Solidarna Foundation
SOLIDARNA wants to return human rights home – to the hearts, minds and lives of ordinary people.

2021 Education of L'Oréal Adria-Balkan employees.
2022 Press conference for media and KOL's.
2023 Panels for students on most of the Croatian collages.

"It is extremely important to create partnerships across sectors like this, as this is how we join forces to make change visible in everyday life."
SOLIDARNA Foundation
SOLIDARNA wants to make our communities safe places of freedom and dignity for all. SOLIDARNA Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity creates new opportunities for all citizens to act in solidarity, in their common effort to protect human rights and meet fundamental human needs, reduce inequalities and expand freedoms in all spheres of society.
Abuse is not love: a 2 pillar program
Education of L'Oréal Adria-Balkan employees.
Online education for L'Oréal Adria-Balkan employees was held by members of the Solidarna foundation. 10 one-to-one anonymous consultations for survivors provided by different experts.
Press conference for media and KOL's and OOH takeover.
Media partners and KOL's were gathered at the meaningful and intimate press conference in Zagreb. Ivan from Solidarna and Ella Selak Bagarić head of the Center for Youth Health Zagreb educated guests about 9 key signs of abuse and provided significant information from their own experience of working with survivors.
OOH, takeover was also an impactful moment in spreading the word and rising awareness.
Want to talk? Contact your local association
Want to talk? Contact your local association
SOLIDARNA wants to return human rights home – to the hearts, minds and lives of ordinary people.